March 22
for the Humble
"He giveth grace unto the humble." (James 4:6)
Humble hearts seek grace, and therefore they get it. Humble hearts yield to the sweet
influences of grace, and so it is bestowed on them more and more largely. Humble hearts
lie in the valleys where streams of grace are flowing, and hence they drink of them.
Humble hearts are grateful for grace and give the Lord the glory of it, and hence it is
consistent with His honor to give it to them.
Come, dear reader, take a lowly place. Be little in thine own esteem, that the Lord may
make much of thee. Perhaps the sigh breaks out, "I fear I am not humble." It may
be that this is the language of true humility. Some are proud of being humble, and this is
one of the very worst sorts of pride. We are needy, helpless, undeserving, hell-deserving
creatures, and if we are not humble we ought to be. Let us humble ourselves because of our
sins against humility, and then the Lord will give us to taste of His favor. It is grace
which makes us humble, and grace which finds in this humility an opportunity for pouring
in more grace. Let us go down that we may rise. Let us be poor in spirit that God may make
us rich. Let us be humble that we may not need to be humbled but may be exalted by the
grace of God.